Friday, October 24, 2008

Well..... I really don't know! That is my favorite saying that Coach Rhodes would always say in class..... My favorite Coach Rhodes story was when he gave me a talk about being strong. We always die in track practice and Coach Rhodes would always say stuff like, stand up! He always expects the best out of us and nothing less. One day i wasn't giving my all and Coach Rhodes knows when your not working hard. So he pulled me off to the side and told me that i need to be strong and work hard because in the end it will be worth it. I didn't think anything about it, all i could think about was sitting down or lets hurry up and finish this. In the end I look back and now i understand why coach rhodes pushed me to be strong and work hard, its because he knew that i could be doing so much better. Well I have to say everything that coach Rhodes made us do and his inspiration talk with me really payed off. With a state Championship! :)